Kevin Owen Mccarthy an American politician born on 26 january,1965. He served as 55th speaker of the U.S house of representative from january to oct 2023. Kelvin is a member of the Republic party. Currently represents California’s 20th congressional district. Kevin graduated from California State University,Bakersfield.
He was elected as majority leader under speaker John Boehner. He retained this position during Paul Ryan’s speakership.
He also served as the member of C.S.A (2002-2006).Kevin served as the House Republican chief deputy whip(2009-2011). Then as the House majority leader Eric Cantor’s re-election loss in 2014 Republican primary.

He was elected as majority leader under speaker John Boehner. He retained this position during Paul Ryan’s speakership.
Kevin supported Donald Trumps when Joe biden won 2020 U.S presidential election
Kevin’s wife Judy Wages have two children. Lifelong residents of Bakersfield they are. In 2015 Kevin was accused of having an affair with Renee Elimers( Representative). He had also dropped out as the speaker of the house before the allegations came out. Eventho ELlimers have refused all the allegations.
McCarthy got removed!

Gaetz was taking steps against Kevin to get dismissed as soon as possible. Kevin was not performing up to the mark as it should be. Since the GOP took control over the house in january. he was not able to handle government spending and budget fights.
To become house speaker in January it took 15 rounds of voting for Kelvin . but it only took one to get Kelvin out of it instantly.
It was the first time that a house speaker lost a no confidence vote. In the press he said to the reporters also that he will fight in a different manner. He will continue to fight as well.
House had been adjourned for a week and also might reconvene on 10 october for discussing about Kevin’s successors.
McCarthy losing his job!
The Republican representative from florida Matt Gaetz took a step to remove Kevin from the speakership. The House voted to take away the speaker’s power from the California Republican.
Meanwhile Kevin was having the support of a majority of Republicans. But it seems that it was not adequate to pause his eviction. There were 208 Democrat members and 222 GOP members. It completely depicts that Kevin could consider losing only 5 Republicans. In Spite he lost 8. No one from the democrats took a call to support him and haven’t voted for him.
Kevin was also accused of having made a secret deal with U.S president Joe Biden on providing additional funding to Ukraine which made a really outrageous source to people. Simultaneously Kevin denied having any such deal with them.
Wherein the democrats were planning to vote against Kevin to throw him out.
There were alot reasons why they went against Kevin. Kevin was sharing a close relationship with U.S president Donald Trump. He also launched an impeachment inquiry into Biden for benefiting him from his son Hunter biden’s business dealings.
Kevin was replaced by a Republican representative Patrick T McHenry from North Carolina.until Republicans can present a nominee for his job he will remain the acting speaker.
As mentioned before Kevin already said he won’t try to get the speakership again. On the second hand Gaetz is not the contender as some media reporters have said he could run for Florida governor.