Marsquake observed by Two NASA spacecraft at Mars, one on the surface and another one in Orbit have recorded the biggest meteor strikes in impact craters yet.
NASA inside spacecraft recorded some Epic Marsquakes. The Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter discovered that this seismic event was something different, and it revealed a nice surprise. NASA’s Insite is a robotic Lander designed to study the interior of Mars.
A NASA spacecraft orbiting the red planet found that the rumblings recorded by Insite came from a meteor that crashed into Mars on Christmas Eve of 2021.
However, the meteoroid that smacked Mars on Christmas eve of last year is estimated to have spent 16 to 39 feet or 5 to 12 meters. Such a meteoroid would have completely burned up in Earth’s atmosphere. The reason why it didn’t do so on Mars is that the red planet barely has an atmosphere.

Insight Lander Detected Largest Quake On Mars:- Marsquake
Mars’s atmosphere is just 1% as dense as our planet’s. The Marksquake was a magnitude 4. If something like this happened on Earth, it would be felt but wouldn’t inflict significant damage. Data suggest about a thousand similar quakes occur on our planet each year.
However, this was a pretty big deal on Mars because the red planet is less active than Earth. The newly formed creator is about 492 feet (150 meters) across and 70 feet (21 meters) deep. The impact force ejected material as far as 23 miles (37 km) away.
Mars is littered with massive creators. They are quite older than any mission to research on the red planet. So based on observations, this is one of the largest creatures observed anywhere in our solar system. NASA also captured sound from the impact. So if you want to read first, then do follow our All In One Trendz page for more!