This August sky is having lots of stunners for us. Not only this month, but This time there will be four supermoons in a row which is veritably rare thing. On 1 August,” Sturgeon Moon” will do and in the end of this month Supermoon known as Blue moon will be there. In addition to this meteor shower will be passing from July 14 to September 1. Stylish nights to watch this is 12- 13 August.
Not only this but Saturn, second largest earth in solar system will be largely visible on August 27 and will show us it’s iconic rings and some of its 83 moons. The veritably first full moon Sturgeon Moon will do on first of August, Tuesday at 232 pm and it’ll keep there as full moon till 2 August. also successive one Blue Moon will be there on Wednesday, August 30 at 936 pm.

It’ll appear full day ahead and after its peak. This Blue Moon will be the biggest full moon in 2023. Let me give you a brief preface about Sturgeon Moon and Blue Moon. Full Moon that occurs in August called as Sturgeon Moon. This name has Native American origins. At this time of time, a sturgeon fish is set up in some North American waters. Several seasonal changes, agrarian conditioning or natural miracle also observed during this time.
Blue Moon is also another full moon :-
Blue Moon is also another full moon that occurs within a timetable month. One full moon comes every month but two full moon in one month is veritably occasional. And in this case second full moon called as Blue moon, but this isn’t blue in colour that is only it’s name. This happens once every 2- 3 time. Let me introduce you with full moon and super moon also.
When moon is completely illumined also it’s full moon seen from earth. This time moon is on the contrary side of the Earth from Sun, due to this the full face of moon is visible to us and that is full moon. This occurs every29.5 days stating completion of lunar cycle. And when this full moon appears larger and brighter than the usual moon in sky also it called as Super moon. When full moon coincides it’s closest approach to earth it appears 14 larger and 30 further brilliant.
A meteor shower is also commodity:- August sky
This month of August is also going to be veritably intriguing and surprising because of two full moons. A meteor shower is also commodity to look forward to. There will be four supermoons this time which is relatively unusual. In verity, we’re colliding with meteor shower which seems to rain down on us. Every time, earth travels through debris field of comet Swift- Tuttle, performing in the appearance of the Persied meteor shower. These meteors are dust granules and debris falling from comets tail as it travels around sun.
The patches, numerous of which as size of grains of beach or pea. According to NASA, the Persied meteor shower is notorious for its further extended and important bursts of light and colour. These Persieds will be visible untill September 1. According to American Meteor Society, leak of the shower will be around 12- 13 August.
The last blue moon passed on August sky 31, 2022
The last blue moon passed on August 31, 2022. The blue moon’s shine and gleam gives a surreal effect against the night sky’s dark background, offering excellent openings for night time photography. Persieds can be seen from any position from Northern Hemisphere. All you need to enjoy all this is dark open sky and tolerance. You can watch this just with your naked eyes without use of any outfit. Give your eyes 15- 20 twinkles to acclimate to darkness.
This August, sky isn’t just a roof cover over our heads but it’ll be full of cautions. Though in 2023, the full moon around August 1 will casts it’s light in the sky for important of night. But the 2023, Persieds are going to gear up for good display, with only small waning crescent moon to intrude, around their peaks on morning 12 and 13 August. After Persieds, there will be more similar amazing meteor showers before end of 2023.
The August Perseid meteor shower is rich and stead
The August Perseid meteor shower is rich and steady, from early august through the peak. The meteors are various. And they constantly leave patient trains. All of these factors make the Persied shower maybe the most favored meteor shower for the Northern Hemisphere. Persieds meteor shower occurs annually. This occurs when Earth passes through debris pall left by Comet Swift- Tuttle.
These meteors are bitsy dust and patches from the comet’s tail. Fortunately they burn up and hardly reaches to earth face. They’re named on base of the constellation they appear to appear from. For the Persieds, look towards the north- eastern sky to spot the constellation Perseus, located just to the left wing of Pleiades, the seven sisters constellation.
So be ready this time and especially this month to watch the magic of nature and get the full joy of all the lights and entertainments and stunning view of sky which it’s going to show to all of us.