AT&T Inc. (American Telephone and Telegraph Company) is an American multinational telecommunications holding company in
Downtown Dallas Texas headquartered at Whitacre tower.It is the world’s 3rd largest telecommunications company by revenue and the largest wireless carrier in the U.S. AT&T was ranked 13th on the Fortune 500 2023 rankings of the largest U.S corporations, with revenues of $120.7 billion.
It is the subsidiary of AT&T inc. that provides Internet telecommunications, voice,professional services to businesses, consumers, and government agencies.
video, and data. Meanwhile, during the Bell system’s long history, AT&T was the world’s largest cable television operator, world’s largest telephone company,and a regulated monopoly. In the 1950s and 1960s, it employed 1 million people and its revenue ranged between US$3 billion in 1950($39.7 billion in present-day terms) and $12 billion in 1966($112 billion in present-day terms).

In 2005, AT&T was purchased by Baby bell and former subsidiary SBC Communications for more than $16 billion ($24 billion in present-day terms). SBC changed its name to AT&T inc. Now , it corporation continues to exist as a long distance subsidiary of AT&T Inc., and its name occasionally shows up in AT&T press releases.
AT&T shoves FCC for mid-band spectrum screen!
AT&T submitted its petition insept, 2021 but the FCC only recently issued its public notice seeking comment. The main target of AT&T’s ire is mainly T-Mobile.
The FCC’s first comment on AT&T’s request that the commission commence a rulemaking proceeding. It then questions for comment on whether the agency should recommend that the FCC in the context of initiating a rulemaking process, should propose other changes to its mobile spectrum holdings rules and policies.
The fact that FCC is putting out a notice on a petition a majority of Democrats on that was filed more than 2 years ago suggests that Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel who now has a majority of Democrats on her panel believes that FCC should act and eventually that there is a majority that agrees with her position, which presumably that some screen is necessary, in October 9 note for investors wrote New Street Research (NSR) policy analyst Blair Levin

Levin also said that AT&T would likely only have filed the petition if it believes that such a screen would provide AT & T any merit in the market. Also We are far from knowing what the details will be and also the details matter but in the ongoing spectrum battles the FCC Notice creates a possibility of a gain for AT&T and a loss for T-Mobile added by him.
After reporting racist menace folwer got fired
The highest-ranking Black woman at AT&T Ohio said it took her more than 3 decades to climb the company’s ranks but just one awful day and a death threat for her to come down.
AT&T Ohio said she violated company policy while firing 54-year -old Stacey Fowler from her role as director of the construction and engineering department. But in a federal complaint filed in late Sept. Fowler has brought out a different story, one in which she was fired for reporting a racist death threat she believes came from a white.
AT&T protected the racists fulfilled their wishes and fired Fowler instead- weeks after she was threatened her complaint,in the Southern District Court of Ohio, filed Sept. 28 reads.
She spent her entire 33 year AT&T Ohio career in the engineering department,construction and also rising through managerial ranks before taking over the reins in 2021. In a field and department dominated by white men folwer said she frequently faced resistance to her authority.
according to Fowler’s complaint,Last November, AT&T informed her that she would need to oversee a 25% reduction in mostly through terminating lower-level managers. folwer told the department’s 5 area managers to determine whose roles they would eliminate.
She claims that at least one of the area managers, 4 of whom were white men, told the lower level managers that she had chosen to terminate them because they were white men.
In February, Within weeks of the reduction in force’s finalization an employee complained about Fowler’s reverse-discrimination and AT&T opened an investigation into Fowler, The also conducted a forensic review of her computer and interviewed her and area managers, who she said lied about her having discriminatory motives.
Fowler reported to work as normal on March 30. After a morning and afternoon filled with one-on-one meetings, she returned to her office and discovered an anonymous note, calling her stupid and racist and more.

the note written that If we can’t take someone down will take out.Her business card, with her position scratched out, was stapled to the note.
She said it was definitely a threat, she said in an interview it was a racial threat. It was a personal threat. It was a death threat. and i was shattered. A week later, she was fired. folwer said she was told it was related to the discrimination complaint against her, but she received no written statement nor exit paperwork, of her termination.