Several glaciers have been melting quickly since the turn of the 20th century. The cause of this phenomenon is human occurrence.
To be more specific since the factory system, carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions have increased temperatures. As a result, even more in the poles glaciers are melting. That calving off into the sea and retreating on land.
Sea levels rise due to melting glaciers frequently. It is much powerful that coastal storms like hurricanes and typhoons are produced. This increases coastal erosion and storm surge. The Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets particularly are the main causes of the rise in sea levels worldwide.
What Are The Causes Of Melting Glaciers?
The Atlantic Ocean’s circulation is being changed by the current glacial melt in Antarctica and Greenland. Which has also been connected to the collapsing of fisheries in the Gulf of Maine and the frequency of more severe storms and hurricanes globally.
The ability of these ice shelves to stop the flow of the ice sheet into the ocean. However, world is in danger due to a warming atmosphere and warming waters brought on by climate change.
The West Antarctic Coast was the area of Antarctica where the researchers concentrated their investigation. With the exception of the peninsula, which protrudes out of the high polar latitudes and into lower, warmer latitudes, Antarctica is approximately shaped like a disc. According to reports, Antarctica is seeing the greatest amount of extreme climate change.
Scientists have used data from elephant seals with devices connected to them to detect temperature and salinity in the water and ice. The team has previously deployed automated vehicles in this area.
In order to produce reliable forecasts, scientists believe they have been able to simulate the interactions between the ocean and ice shelf atmosphere. However, much more study on this area is required before estimates of sea level increase in the ensuing decades can be produced.