Unfrosted directed by Jerry Seinfeld is his debut in movie making. He is best known for his stand-up comedies and this piece of art shows his love towards humour. The cast of Unfrosted is the reason why the movie was able to inculcate both humor and slight tones of morbidness. With actors like Mellissa McCarthy, Hugh Grant, Amy Schumer, and Jim Gaffigan, the characters were able to contribute to the narrative in a unique way that fit in with the theme of the movie.
Unfrosted Beginning
Jeffery has done a brilliant job with the well-timed jokes, costumes, and overall mood of the film. Throughout the film, there is a slight Uundertone of morbidness mixed with jealousy that Amy Schumer has done a splendid job showing. Mellissa is always known for adding more characters into the script in her own humorous way. The casting was done with much thought and it paid off.
Jerry’s Twist
This film revolves mainly around two parties: Kellogg’s vs Post. This led to the birth of the beloved tasty frosted treat called pop tart that every American is aware of. In 96 minutes Jerry has managed to portray emotions such as humor, betrayal, jealousy, etc. Jerry was inspired to create this movie after his joke in his 24 hours to kill special.
Kelogg’s vs Post
The movie is set in the year 1960 when every American starts their day with a cup of milk and cereal. Two competing cereal brands rule the breakfast market. Those are Kellogg’s and Post. Wk Kellogg discovered a way to create crunchy wheat pieces and served it to his patients one of them being CW Post. Post later on copied the idea and started profiting from Kellogg’s invention from his own company called Battel Creek Toasted corn flakes company. Wk was quick to catch on and established his own company where he would ship 1000,00 boxes.
Post came up with the idea of Pop Tarts where he dehydrated the food which preserved the fruity layer inside and warmed up when toasted. Post ended up jumping the gun and announced it in the press 4 months before they were ready to hit the market. This gave Kellogg a chance to rush their production and they both hit the shelves on the same day. Contrary to what is shown in the film the pop tarts were sold out in 30 days (still one of the fastest records in history) and were a huge hit.
This movie along with other contemporary movie has the main idea of educating the audience in a humorous way. This type of setting can also be seen in movies like Barbie, Air, and Tetris that create an emotional connection with the audience. These are some claasic objects that are associated with childhood and hit that sweet emotional spot.