In 2015, a new virus was found in Alaska, named Alaskapox. It came from the melting permafrost in Fairbanks North Star Borough. By now, seven people have been infected with this virus. Sadly, the first person has now died from it.
What is Alaskapox?
Alaskapox virus was first found in the year 2015, in Alaska. Therefore, it is named Alaskapox.
A woman who lived near Fairbanks, Alaska, was the first infected person of this virus. The virus was diagnosed after she suffered from swollen lymph nodes and a localized rash.
It is a type of virus that belongs to a group called orthopoxviruses. It mostly affects small mammals like red-backed voles and shrews. Moreover, it can also be carried by pet animals, like dogs and cats.

How is Alaskapox spread? What are its symptoms?
Alaskapox virus is similar to smallpox, monkeypox, and cowpox. These viruses are big and can infect both animals and humans, causing skin problems like smallpox. Orthopoxviruses include various types like camelpox, cowpox, horsepox, and mpox (which used to be called monkeypox).
It’s also been found in small animals. When infected, red spots appear on the skin. These spots turn into sores if not treated in time, with pus forming inside. It causes joint and muscle pain and swollen lymph nodes. Even with timely treatment, it takes six months to fully recover.
Alaskapox makes people feel sick with swollen lymph nodes and muscle pain. They might also get skin sores that look like spider bites. It’s not clear if this virus can spread from person to person, but it’s possible to spread similar viruses by touching the sores. So, if someone has skin sores from this specific virus, it’s best to cover them with a bandage to prevent spreading it to others.

Alaskapox: Latest Case
The latest news case came from Kenai Peninsula Borough. An elderly man died suffering from the virus in late January.
In Alaska, seven people have caught the virus in the last nine years. Six patients were in Fairbanks North Star Borough, and one was in Kenai Peninsula Borough.