15 Epic Mystery game 2022 is back. Where you’ll be getting 15 free games at each days.
Mystery Games are already leaked for the mystery game 2022. Players are gonna get GTA 5 Red Redemption 2 or any big AAA game in Epic mystery Game 2022.
The Mystery game 2022 for December is going to start on December 15. It will run till January 5th. Players are getting one free game each day till December 29th from January 15th. This is the period from December 29 till January 5th as players get one game. So if you do have a registered portal of this game you will be getting 15 free games.

Will Epic Games Feature Bigger AAA Games? Mystery game
As this is the holiday season which is coming up as a Christmas festival, the Epic game store website is currently on sale. But a certain favorite fan favorite, the Rockstar Game which is GTA 5 is not on sale.
Every Mystery game when comes up there is anticipation. There is an expectation for GTA 5 to come up for free. As it has been nearly 2 years since 2020 the game was free. It has been nearly a couple of years where people in every Mystery Game, gamers are expecting that GTA 5 might be free and are heading closer to a GTA 6 release.
Association of Epic Game Store with EA with the Star Wars Squadrons, fans can at least expect one game from EA. If that could be FIFA then it could be amazing. As gamers and fans have been seeing a lot many 2K games coming on the Epic game store for NBA. But EA is something that gamers only see in Star Wars.